Monday, July 19, 2010

Yanzhi's reflection for package 2

I'm glad that we have finish the project on time, Thanks to all my group mates. I would say that this package 2 is definitely more difficuit than package 1, because Genetically Modified Food was an unfamilar title for me. Although it was taught as one of the topic in a module I took, but it didn't went in depth to the individual food and it's traits, techiques. At first, we were quite lost and didn't really get what we are suppose to do, however as we continued to do research. We slowly understood the rationale behind all these controversial issues as it is really hard to conclude on either side due to its inclusion of personal health and religion which vary from case to case basis. We chose genetically modified corn (maize) as our target crop, as corn can be used in various items and most importantly corn can be made into corn flour which is the main criteria. We allocated the parts among the group mates and we met up face to face quite a few times to have sharing sessions. And from each sharing seesion there will be new knowledge to be learned, this motivates us to do ever more. Though we come from different places after work and were all tired, but we all have the same goal of finishing the report well. During each meet-up, we will also share about our working experience and how our lives have been for the week. I really enjoyed working together with my group mates. Last but not least, I feel that the group discussion board is not very effective as I would rather give the person a call or an sms which is much more efficient :)

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