Sunday, July 18, 2010

Jia En's Reflection for Food Safety Package 2

Through this package, I learnt more about the concepts of Genetic Modification. Before starting my research in this area, I thought that there is only one method of modifying crops to attain GM foods. Now, I know that there are actually six different genetically modifying processes widely used in the biotech industry, three of which were used in the production of corn which is the product that my group had chosen for our report.

GM companies practiced many food safety measures such as by carrying out microbial laboratory tests and toxin detection tests on GM foods to maximize the safety of these foods. If all these methods are carried out properly, it would definitely help in reducing the risks of consumers getting foodborne illness or toxicity.

In addition to all the numerous benefits that GM foods contribute to the consumers, there are also controversial issues pertaining to GM foods. I think that the disagreement on both sides (benefits and controversies) have practical and sufficient explanation to support their judgment towards GM food production. I feel that GM foods can still be consumed occasionally so as not to exceed the ADI of these foods, increased the risks of harming the human body in the long run as well as receiving the benefits that the GM crops can provide at the same time. I also discover that GM foods must be labeled in most countries in order to allow the consumers to know the foods that they are eating but in Singapore, GM foods labeling regulations have not be established therefore explaining the reason that Singaporeans are ignorant about the fact that some of the daily foods that they consumed are actually GM foods.

The knowledge gained from doing this food safety package is extremely beneficial to us as it made us more aware of the different advanced food technology in the modernized world. All these changes that actually revolve around our daily lives are often neglected due to our hectic lives.

This 2nd food safety package was indeed a demanding one for us as the term ‘genetically modification’ was a completely new concept for us to digest. We had not done any projects or had any modules involving Genetically Modified (GM) foods. To understand the concept relating to genetic modification, we carried out more research and read up reference books and visit useful website links. It was tough for us throughout this research period but our leader, Jiayi guided us from the start of the package till the entire completion of the report, allocating tasks to each member in a systematic manner. Communication between us improved greatly compared to the previous package as all of us are more used to our schedule of doing this project on top of having our SIP attachment.

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