Monday, July 19, 2010

Li Yun's Reflection for Food Safety Package 2

Time flies, weeks have passed and my group is finally done with our package 2 report.

Genetically Modified (GM) food has been very well established in today’s world. Countries such as US, Europe and South Africa have been producing their own GM crops. In Package 2, I have gained a better understanding of how GM food is started. After doing many researches from reference books, journal articles and news articles with my group mates, I managed to find out more about its pros and cons, how it had affected human health in the past, how it is produced and the methods to test if they are safe for consumption. After consolidating this information, we begin to meet up to share with one another the researchers found.

In this round of Package 2, I find it more challenging compared to Package 1. This is because some of the information found from the internet is either not updated or they are not very reliable. Therefore, we have been meeting up more often than previous package to make sure all of us are clear with the process of GM food. Jia Yi, our group leader, has also been very patient and understanding to us. She will explain to us whenever we faced with any uncertain questions and guide us through the project.

Although the question this time is tougher, I can see the improvement within the group. Whenever one person has difficulty doing the report, the other will be there to help. I believe all of us are working towards one goal, which is to do well for this project. During these past few months, although it is tiring for all, we never fail to encourage one another. Besides gaining additional knowledge in GM food, I have also built a closer relationship with my fellow mates.

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