Friday, July 23, 2010

Jiayi's package 2 reflection

The second package that covers the safety of GM food is a very broad topic. With no previous knowledge, we have to do thorough research in order to get accurate information as there are various sources that states different stands. Through researching, I have found out many interesting facts about GM food, the techniques used, the different traits and their uses. Indeed we met many difficulties as we did not knew which resources were useful and true, thus we had to research more in and compare between difference sources.

Similarly, meeting up to discuss was a problem we faced as we all had different work schedules. We had to find a suitable date for everyone and took chances to meet up as frequent as possible to discuss our findings. It was really tiring to juggle between work and doing project but after finishing the project, I felt that we all have improve on time management and report writing skills.

With the increasing use of GM food, it is important to look into the issue of food safety as GM food may soon replace the use of conventional food. After researching, I feel that there are many pros and cons of using GM food, thus it would really be up to one's preference whether to accept consuming GM food.

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