Thursday, July 8, 2010

Toxins and foodborne pathogens in corn and its related food products


1.) Aflatoxins produced by Aspergillus aflavus
  • potent liver toxins and liver carcinogens
  • largest impact on corn, causing $225 loss million per year
  • symptoms of toxicity includes hemorrhage, edema and live damage

* Permitted amount of aflatoxins in human food is 20ppm
# Acceptable daily intake is 100 nanogram/kg body weight

2.)Fumonisins produced by fusarium species; F. verticilliodes, F. proliferatum and F.moniliforme

  • possible cause of esophageal cancer in human
  • cause acute toxicity in animals
  • no corn hybrid are completely resistant to this fungi

* Permitted amount of fumonisins in human food (degermed dry milled corn products with less than 2.25% fat content is 2ppm and in whole/partially degermed dry milled corn products with more than 2.25% fat content is 4ppm
#Acceptable daily intake of fumonisins is 2 microgram/kg body weight

3.) Trichothecene produced by F. graminearum, F.culmorum, F.sporotrichiodes and F.poae.

  • symptoms of toxicity includes vomiting, bloody diarrhea, severe dermatitis and hemorrhage
  • most susceptible organs and systems are the mucous membrane of the digestive system, the skin and the immune system.

* Permitted amount of trichothecene in human food is 0.5ppm
#Acceptable daily intake is 1 microgram/kg body weight

4.& 5.) Zearalenone and deoxynivalenol produced by Fusarium graminearum

  • symptoms of toxicity includes vomiting, liver damage and reproductive defects

# Acceptable daily intake of zearalenone is 0.5 microgram/kg body weight and 1 microgram/kg body weight for deoxynivalenol

6.) Ochratoxin A produced by Aspergillus ochraceus and Penicilliu cerrucosum

  • carcinogenic to human and capable of inducing oxidative DNA damage

# Acceptable daily intake of Ochratoxin A is 100 nanogram/kg body weight


1.) Escherichia coli

  • presence indicates poor hygiene practices during processing
  • cause watery diarrhea in food poisoning cases

* Microbial limit of E.coli in corn flour is 10 cfu/g

2.) Bacillus cereus

  • produces enterotoxins to cause diarrheal type & emetic type of food poisoning

* Microbial limit of B.cereus in corn flour is 10cfu/g


Food Agriculture Organisation (FAO)

World Food Programme (WFP)

Food and Drugs Association (FDA)

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